
A man with a pink shirt and blue shirt smiling.

Phil Gruber

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BoulderEXO  presents:

Contact with Higher Intelligences Across Dimensions and Realities

Friday, May 10, 2024 at 6 pm MT/7pm CT/8pm ET


Beginning in 1987 and continuing to 2042, a complex set of shifts in the planet’s (and our) frequency was set into motion.  It is called the Stellar Bridge or Stellar Activation Cycle.

Humanity, the planet (and all sentient life here) are in the midst of changes so profound, so meaningful… It’s more important than ever that we fully understand our place in a vast cosmic order!

Contact with Higher Intelligence is far more prevalent than conventional or mainstream pundits would have us believe.  Contact is and has been initiated from a multiplicity of sources.

But just WHO is contacting WHOM…and WHY?

Please join Phil Gruber for an illuminating exploration into the phenomenon of Contact with Higher Intelligence, whether they are Extraterrestrial, Meta-terrestrial, Ultra-terrestrial, Interdimensional, Trans-dimensional and Hyper-dimensional, or from our Past, Present, Future, Parallel Selves, etc.

  • Identifying and Understanding the Primary Agendas of Visitor Races
  • A Brief History of the Angelic Human Race
  • ETs:  Who and what they are, where they’re from, and the reasons for alien intervention in our affairs.
  • Protocols for Contact
  • Contact and the essential role of our DNA
  • A Primer in the Structure of Dimensions and Stargates
  • Creating a Platform for Communication and much more!

Many of us have been in contact with higher intelligence most of our lives.  Phil believes the reason for contact is to help us understand who we are, what our purpose is for being here and what the greater plan is, for us and the planet.

About Phil Gruber

Phil is featured in the critically-acclaimed films “The Indigo Evolution” and “Metaphysia 2012″.  His passion, enthusiasm, kind spirit, generosity, sparkling wit and intelligence has made him a much-loved and a highly respected speaker on the international scene.

He is acknowledged world-wide as one of the foremost teachers of Sacred Geometry, Light Language, The Indigo Children, Advanced Healing Systems, The Structure of the Angelic Worlds and an ever-growing repertoire of fascinating subjects. Phil has spoken at the United Nations and his first book, “The Kabbalah Code“, a collaboration with James F. Twyman, has been published by Hay House.  Phil is available for private sessions, as well as small group and personal one-on-one mentoring.

When:   May 10 (Fri.) 2024, 6:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) / 10:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Where:   On-Line via Zoom

Event fee: $15  Purchase Here


• For further information, please call: 480-888-5480

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