The biggest message today is that we all need to work on raising our vibration and consciousness.
Richard Yiap has been travelling the world going to sacred sites doing light activation work and firing up new light grids with light alchemy during a Sacred Light Journeys. He has been facilitating group contact with ETs and this is now evolving to group communion with ETs. The benevolent ETs are working with us and their desire is to work more closely with those that are open, ready, vibrating at the right level and with the highest common intention. It is about transcending the 3D world and the evolution of mother Gaia from the 3rd to the 5th Dimension. During this BoulderExo presentation, some topic of this presentation will include:
- Richard’s personal experience and journeys
- Arcturian Crystalline tree of life
- Pineal gland, light activation and our Consciousness
- Light platforms that rise up our vibration for non-3D communication
Richard Yiap left a 22-year stellar career in corporate management to pursue his spiritual calling. He is a Tony Buzan mind mapping advanced trainer, creator of Quantum Mapping, a NLP Master, International Public Speaker, Australia’s fatherhood expert, Character First coach, a Quantum Transition spiritual coach, Holographic Kinetics (Aboriginal dreamtime healing) practitioner and together with Sian travel around the world firing up grids at sacred sites for planetary Ascension using Light Alchemy. He runs Sacred Light Journeys and is on a quest to activate all the sacred sites on the Arcturian crystalline tree for planetary healing.
When: Friday, April 21st at 7pm (doors open at 6pm)
Where: Colorado Law @ CU Boulder Wolf Law Building | 101 UCB – Wittemyer Courtroom 2450 Kittredge Loop Dr., Boulder, CO 80309 (NE corner of Baseline Rd. and Broadway St.)
Suggested Minimum Donation: $10 at the door
For further information, please call: 480-888-5480
Presented to you by: https://boulderexo.com/ https://www.meetup.com/BoulderEXO/