PREPARE FOR CONTACT – Are you ready to meet an alien? – Tamara Scott Crowley and Bill Crowley – SUNDAY, June 4, 2023 – 2 pm

Sunday, June 4, 2023 – 2:00 pm

Location: THE AVALON BALLROOM (Tango room)
6185 Arapahoe Avenue
in Boulder, Colorado

PREPARE FOR CONTACT with Tamara Scott Crowley and Bill Crowley

 Are you ready to meet an alien? 

This dynamic presentation provides straight-forward tools and protocols for contact with benevolent, non-human beings.  Tamara and Bill Crowley combine their years of personal experiences, research and practical advice that will enable you to “Prepare For Contact.â€

  • Bring Your Curiosity and discover the differences between humans and non-humans.
  • Learn how to Raise Your Consciousness to facilitate contact.
  • Make Contact by setting the intention to connect. Learn the step-by-step protocols for alien and Bigfoot encounters, and the importance of journaling your experiences.

We are all Galactic Ambassadors.  Are you ready to greet our space neighbors?  Join us to find out!

A woman in purple shirt posing for the camera.Tamara Scott Crowley has enjoyed exploring and participating in the paranormal since childhood.  Tamara is an empath, as well as a Spiritual Medium.  She has used her gifts to assist law enforcement with searches for missing people, and has conducted more than 500 readings for private clients.

Tamara is a graduate of Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Journalism.  She had a successful career in Corporate Communications for various Fortune 100 companies, and local governments in Oregon and Washington State.  She co-founded a commuter airline, and has also worked extensively in the Investment Real Estate industry.

She spent many years volunteering as a MUFON Field Investigator and MUFON Orange County Board Member.  Tamara is also the author of the book entitled, “Prepare For Contact, A Guide For Interacting With Galactic Beings.â€

A man with white teeth and blue shirt smiling.Bill Crowley is a truth seeker who has always been drawn to the paranormal, with specific interests in UFO’s and Sasquatch.

A graduate of Stanford University, he also is an All-American Track and Field athlete, and was inducted in the Massachusetts Track Hall of Fame.  While living in Japan, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs contracted with Bill to travel the world as a bi-lingual cultural ambassador through his work in the 400 year-old Japanese comedic artform, Rakugo.  His mission in this lifetime is to continue his cross-cultural work by being a bridge between humans and other non-human species.

Bill also spent many years volunteering as a MUFON Orange County Board Member and MUFON Field Investigator.

Website link is:

A book cover with the title " prepare for contact ".The book, “Prepare For Contact,” is available on Amazon at the following link:


When: Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 2:00 pm

Set up time 1:30 pm
Event time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Clean up: 4:00 – 4:30 pm

Location: THE AVALON (Tango room)
6185 Arapahoe Avenue
Boulder, CO

Suggested Minimum Donation: $15 at the door. • For further information, please call: 480-888-5480

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